Founder of Magnetic Coach® NLP & Coaching Certification Program, Master Coach, Business Mentor, Intuitive Guide, and Creator of Transformational Journaling.

Quantum Embodiment


neuroscience + intuition + spirituality + strategy


I see you, babe, and you are on the cusp of something BIG.

You crave a change.

You’re connecting to your truest potential.

You desire something new, exciting, and totally dreamy.

I believe that when we’re drawn to something, it’s because we’re being shown it’s possible for us.

This understanding is powerful.

You can feel that magnetic pull towards your picture of success, desire, fun, fulfillment, and freedom… can’t you?

Give yourself the permission to go there.

Like, really go there.

Don’t worry, you’re not doing this alone.

You’re ready to work intimately with someone who is here to support your total transformation in business, mindset, and life…

Me, Liz!

Together we’ll work on your 4-month journey of embodiment, up-leveling, reprograming, and alignment.

We’ll use incredible transformational modalities like Neuro Linguistic Programing, Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping), Clinical Hypnotherapy, TIME Techniques… and of course business, life, and success coaching.

While getting woo with card readings and energetic guidance if you like.

We’ll be going deep to create instant shifts & new patterns

Your brain is literally programmed to make your life as easy as possible

When things feel a little sticky, that’s your intuition giving you a nudge about what needs to be shifted.

We’ll task your unconscious mind do a lot of the heavy lifting…

…strengthen your intuition like never before…

…and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll see change.

Let’s get started.

My 4-Month vip Private Coaching Package Includes

Weekly 50 minute coaching calls.

Unlimited weekly Voxer messenger, Text & Audio messages between sessions.

VIP bonuses.

My 4-month VIP private coaching package is only for you if you’re ready to embody your next-level self to reach the success and transformation you’re craving.

We’ll work together to create ease along the way through a collaborative process.

I can’t do coaching to you.

I do coaching with you.

I will hold you accountable to show up and do the work, but I can’t force you.

You have to deeply want to do it for yourself.

Since you’re here, you’re ready.

Let’s get on our first call, now

Okay not right this minute, but very soon.

This first call isn’t just a consultation or a discovery call.

It’s a full on coaching call.

This call is for us to make sure that working together is in alignment for both of us.

You know this call is for you when you’re fully invested in creating your next level version of success, you’re ready for rapid transformation in your mindset, life, and business, and you see me as the coach you absolutely want to work with.

At the end of this call, you’ll feel immense clarity, excitement, and and uplifted energy to move forward.


After your first call, when you book your coaching package, the amount paid for this call will be applied to your total.


Liz was a key stepping stone for me to making huge decisions in my career.

With her support, I was able to set appropriate client boundaries that felt good, move past my fears and come up with solutions to keep moving forward to reach my first 5-Figure Month.

She was worth every penny, her coaching is honest and direct, and she showed up for me every time!

If you’re thinking about working with Liz, here’s my two cents…

Liz knows how help transform your fears into actionable steps that feel good! She knows how to listen, she gives great sound guidance, and makes sure your decisions feel good, for you.

- Ashley


Liz knows her shit. Listen to her, trust what she has to say, take action and you're guaranteed results.

Prior to working with Liz, I would consider myself the queen analysis-paralysis and (attempting to reach) perfection. I had an idea of where I wanted to take my business, but lacked clarity and direction to get there. I would constantly think about my ideas, but not act on them for fear of being overwhelmed or producing anything I felt was subpar.

Liz helped me shift my mindset from fearful and confused to abundant and actionable.

- Michelle


Liz has an incredible knowledge of tech and systems that can be leveraged to automate so many aspects of your business so you can focus your energy on what truly excites you.

She doesn’t shy away from challenging you and making you work.

While initially I found her approach a little too direct, I realized this stemmed from my own beliefs around the customer always being right and having to bend to their desires to keep them happy.

In discovering this I have been able to reframe these thoughts as well as update my own boundaries within my business.


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I've always been the person who tries to figure it all out myself.

However, I knew it was time to open up to someone else and get help with adjusting my business. I'm so happy that I chose Liz to be that person I turned to.

Every week felt like chatting with a friend who gave tough love and challenged me to open my eyes to shifts I needed to make and ideas I'd never thought of.

Just one piece of encouragement from one of our sessions gave me half my ROI from working with Liz (in less than a month of implementation).

If you're thinking about hiring a coach and something is telling you that Liz is the right gal for you, I'd highly encourage you to work with her. You won't regret it!

- Kory