How to Begin Bringing Spirituality into Your Business

How to Begin Bringing Spirituality into Your Business | Liz White | #spirituality #spiritualityinbusiness #beliefs #moneymakingmaven #creativepreneur #intuitivebusiness | When you’re learning about mindset, spirituality, energy, and intuition… you q…

Early in 2018 I realized that my spirituality was bleeding into my business.

Now, it wasn’t something that I decided to do one day. It was simply slipping into my business organically. It was so natural for it show up in the conversations I was having with my clients and peers.

If you’ve been noticing this happening with you and your business, maybe you can relate to how it was showing up for me...

Some of the ways it was presenting itself was in the way I was actively showing up and teaching. Through the adjectives I used to describe things and the stories I used as examples… spirituality, energetic work, intuition, mindset, and all the “woo” topics blended seamlessly with the actionable strategies that I’d been teaching for years.

I realized that my spirituality was just infiltrating every aspect of my life, without me actually intending for it to do so.

If you’re at the point where you’re wondering if you’re at the cusp of, “Do I go full in, do I still hold back?” It’s probably already bleeding over into your business.

When you’re learning about mindset, spirituality, energy, and intuition… you quickly become aware of its impact in your life.

Naturally, when you’re an entrepreneur and business owner, it will also have an impact on your business (intentional or not).

So, I want you to take a second to breath.

Overlap is going to happen. It’s natural. It’s normal. And it’s going to help your business THRIVE.

Below are three ways to allow your spirituality to become part of your business, in authentic and genuine ways.

  1. Storytelling or Messaging:
    Share the story FULLY, not leaving out certain aspects because it is different.
    When I’m telling stories or when I’m sharing a message and something ties into whether or not I’m using a crystal, or whether or not I heard a good lesson that I wanted to share from a teaching that I was listening to; I just show up and share that story fully and I don’t hold back. I do mention the crystal, the tarot reading, or the books that I’m reading. I just share all of it along with the story that I have to tell.

  2. Imagery:
    Showing the behind the scenes of your life.
    If I’m posting on social media, I’m probably going to have pictures of crystals. I’m having more inspiring quotes that I used to. I’m having an imagery of Tarot. I am showing the behind the scenes of my life fully; so in videos and stories, I am showing myself doing things like smoke cleansing. I actually have people direct message me and ask, “What are you doing? What is that? I see you doing this a lot.” So now, whenever I smoke cleanse with sage or palo santo, I will have a video of it. It’s just a part of incorporating behind the scenes of your business, which you’re probably already doing. It is also remembering and realizing that showing behind the scenes on social can also include showing behind the scenes of your life as well.

  3. Teaching:
    I do talk a lot about mindset and I talk a lot about energy and I bring this into how I teach running an aligned and profitable business, how I teach blending intuition and strategy, and how I teach money mindset. My Spirituality just infiltrates everything because it is so closely tied with the practical elements. My business is driven by mindset, as well as strategy, that I can’t help but to bring it into how I teach and how I show up.

You can see that a lot of this is just bringing to light the stuff that you might not be sharing yet. And remembering that at a base level people are super nosy! So when you are a business owner, people just want to know the human behind the business.

They want to know who you are and what you’re doing.

Bonus! This helps create likeability and trust, which is essential when you’re a business owner.

The thing that I know to be true for me is that the moment I decided to show up fully and the moment I decided to just talk about all the aspects of my life...

That is what really allowed a deeper connection to be made with the people who are needing my help in their businesses, and who are needing my help in their life.

The moment I made the decision to show up fully and talk about things without a filter, is the moment that other people decided to open up to me.

There have been really amazing conversations and connections and friendships that have been created because I’ve been willing to show up fully and completely without fear of being too taboo for certain people.

As anything in business, especially when we’re thinking about niching down, our story, our imagery and our teaching is just another way to be able to connect with our audience even deeper.

The people that you do not want to be working with will fall away and this just makes it a lot easier to both niche down and share your message more in an authentic way without trying to go crazy filtering every aspect about your life.