How to Take Back Your Power From Limiting Beliefs

How to Take Back Your Power From Limiting Beliefs | Liz White | #power #limitingbeliefs #moneymakingmaven #creativepreneur #intuitivebusiness | Going through your limiting belief journey of rewriting your stories, working through fears, and figuring…

Now that we know exactly what limiting beliefs are, I want to dive into the two main action steps to help get you started uncovering and rewriting your own limiting beliefs and take back the power that ultimately it was given away when you adopted these limiting beliefs.

Going through your limiting belief journey of rewriting your stories, working through fears, and figuring out where these crazy thought patterns and beliefs systems have come from is hard.

Believe me, I am working through it alongside of you.

Hearing Examples

This step has been the most helpful thing for me. Hearing examples of how other people have worked through their own issues, their own limits, their own fears, and being able to see a part of myself within their stories. When I hear these stories a part of myself gets unlocked. One that is able to look further and deeper inside of my own self because I've seen and I've heard other people doing it for themselves.

Hearing these examples allows us to understand what that looks like when previously we’ve had no concept of what it looks like to go through, to reevaluate beliefs and stories that we’ve told about ourselves for years and years because as we are changing our thought patterns, as we are awakening to being more conscious about where these thoughts and these beliefs even came from and have even developed from and continue developing from.


My favorite way to work through limiting beliefs on a conscious level is through journaling.

Now, when we think about journaling, I'm not talking about journaling like you did when you were 13, when you are thick in the time period of puberty and crushes and drama, all that stuff.

This is active journaling for transformation.

To start this exercise, you first have to free write. This means going through and taking a page or two to just get everything that's on your mind currently out of the way, so that you can really start clean and really dig deep into whatever it is that you're wanting to work through. Just get all of the thoughts that are coming up, which can seem random.

The next step is to start journaling about what it is that you keep butting your head against. What is the one issue that keeps coming up over and over again as a reason for why you can't do something, have something or be the type of person that you're really wanting to become?

Journal about these feelings and emotions and the thoughts that keep coming up when you're experiencing that.

Lastly, ask yourself: “If I were to pinpoint exactly why I'm feeling this way and why this is such a big story and a big issue for me, what would the reason be? If I were to imagine why I'm feeling this way and why it's such a big issue? What would be the reason?” Now journal through that and those feelings.

What this question does is, it really opens up a little door into your subconscious that already knows why this issue is coming up for you and where it originated from. It opens up this door so that you can go in and explore it in a way that is nonjudgmental, non scary, and can really assist you to help you get out of it so that you can understand where it originated from, so that you can heal it and start rewriting a new version of that story.

Limiting beliefs can feel so intimidating and scary. Changing narratives that you have been telling yourself is not easy, but I hope the two steps above can help initiate that journey. If you are comfortable sharing, I’d love to hear from you below in the comments, what limiting belief have you been telling yourself and what are you doing to change it?