Working Through Money Mindset Stories

Working Through Money Mindset Stories | Liz White | #moneymindset #moneymindsetstories #moneymakingmaven #creativepreneur #intuitivebusiness | After manifesting 5K in one day, I knew that I needed to share how I changed my money mindset.The key to t…

After manifesting 5K in one day, I knew that I needed to share how I changed my money mindset.

The key to that story isn’t the manifestation element, it’s what allowed the manifestation to happen…

Which was changing my mindset about money being difficult.

Here are 4 steps to change your money mindset:

  1. Saying you are done. Like actually saying it out loud.

    Realizing your done with old money mindset stories and beliefs is when the work starts.

    Going through all of this mindset work and rewriting stories, re-framing stories, and really figuring out and uncovering all of these limiting beliefs that have just become habitual is hard.

    That's where a lot of the work starts because it is a lot of emotional labor that you have to get through.

    It can be very intense because like anything, our thoughts and our beliefs are just habits. They're just things that we keep telling ourselves and these things that we think are true, but when we dive in, dig deep into it, aren't actually true.

    Start by saying those words out loud.

  2. Knowing that you can make money because you choose to make money.

    You can make money because you choose to make money.

    Making the decision that things get to be easy and so they get to be easy, has so much power and freedom comes within that to taking back control and taking back the narrative because you are the creator of your story.

    You are the creator of your life and you get to co-create with the universe to create the life that you want to live and if you aren't living the life that you want to live, it's time to rewrite that story.

  3. Learning to accept the hard days.

    Changing your beliefs is not to say that now things won’t feel hard or now things don't feel difficult.

    I do still have a day where maybe I cry about something or I just feel a little low or like I'm not sure about what's going on, about certain things, those things still happen.

    The difference is now I know that I'm in control and I can get out of those emotions.

    After we accept our control, we can get out of those spirals so much quicker because now we know that we are just falling back into a story that isn't true.

    We are falling into into a habitual thought patterns that is still taking work to rewrite, to create a new habits and it feels a lot less heavy.

    For me, it feels lighter and now I'm able to definitely see more abundance where there's always been abundance, but I just was blind to it because my focus was on the scarcity.

  4. Switching focus from scarcity to abundance.

    Switching the narrative where negativity holds more power than positivity.

    Know that where your focus lies is where you are going to see results.

    Where our focus is and what we paying attention to grows.

    Shift and put all of your focus and attention into things that feel good.

    Things that feel abundant and be able to create from that space rather than try and push something through in a space of scarcity.

You, 100 percent, have the power to change your narrative.

Any narrative, any story that you keep continuing to tell yourself that feels bad... you get to choose anything that feels better and you can start that today.