3 Steps to take action, fast!

When you're feeling stuck and unmotivated, use these three easy steps to get back in action! Perfect for the productive entrepreneur facing a mid-day slump.

Originally published on linemae.com which was rebranded to lizwhite.co.
Same content, same author, new brand, new website.

I’ve found that when running a business, the hardest work is the work I make for myself. What I’m talking about is the work that isn’t for clients, but is necessary to do in order to get more clients. I’m talking accounting, design, marketing, taxes, contracts, blog posts… all the behind-the-scenes stuff you kind of think about but put off a little longer than you should.

The intentions to do all of these things are there, but the sheer amount of stuff you need to do is daunting.

So you make lists. You start multiple things at one time. You overthink everything. You almost finish something but then you change your mind and start over. 

Being in motion does not mean you are making progress.

Following these 3 steps to take action fast.

  1. Identify the project you're stuck on. 
    Example: Wedding collection price sheet.
  2. Determine why the project is important and what will happen if you don't do it.
    Example: You need to have a pricing structure that makes the ordering process easy. If your prices are not readily available and easy to understand you will lose out on potential buyers.
  3. Break it down into small steps.
    (1) Get pricing from printer.
    (2) Determine out how much you need to make per sale and make a pricing structure based on that.
    (3) Create a price sheet that you can provide on your website through a downloadable pdf or email attachment.
    (4) Create a mini price sheet that you can turn into a quick reference/handout at the bridal show.
Feeling stuck? Get back on track with this east 3-step process. #entrepreneur #business #productivity