Ep 014: Reaching 5 figure months through intuition, mindset, and strategy

Transformation happens quickly. Today I'm sharing how I used intuition, mindset, and strategy to transform my business in 4 months and get my first 5 figure month quickly and easily.

Transformation happens quickly. Today I'm sharing how I used intuition, mindset, and strategy to transform my business in 4 months and get my first 5 figure month quickly and easily.

The six things I did:

  1. Tapped into my intuition
  2. Created a new business plan
  3. Realigned my offers
  4. Decided selling was easy
  5. Increased my visibility
  6. Marketed with a purpose

Intuitive Business Bootcamp:

In this 6-week program you'll create the foundation and structure of your fully aligned, intuitive, profitable business.

Learn more here.

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Money Making Maven Desert Magic Retreat.

Join me and your new BFFs September 21-24, 2018 in Joshua Tree for an all-inclusive retreat.

Unleash your Money Making Magic so you can make a bigger impact, more money, and a life you're obsessed with.

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